“Virtue, Well-Being and Mentalized Affectivity,” Cowritten with David Greenberg, Marissa Pizziferro, Michael Perez Sosa, and Rozita Alaluf, Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome (December, 2023).
“Development and Validation of the Brief 12 Item Mentalized Affectivity Scale (B-MAS): A Measure of Emotion Regulation and Mentalization,” (2021), Co-written with David Greenberg, Sasha Rudenstine and Rozita Alaluf. The Journal of Clinical Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23203.
“The Mentalized Affectivity Scale (MAS): Development and Validation of the Italian Version,” Co-written with Teresa Rinaldi, Andrea Greco, David M. Greenberg, Annalisa Valle, Ilaria Castelli and Antonella Marchetti, April 5, 2021. PLoS ONE (
“Mentalized Affectivity in a Nutshell: Validation of the Italian version of the Brief-Mentalized Affectivity Scale (B-MAS),” Co-written with Marianna Liotti, Grazia Spitono, Vittoria Lingiardi, Antonella Marchetti, Anna Maria Speranza, Annalisa Valle and Guido Giovannardi, PLoS ONE, 2021.
“Examining the Relationship Between Caregiver Mentalized Affectivity and Childhood Defense Mechanisms,” co-written with Hannah Dunn, Sasha Rudenstine, and Steve Tuber (2021), Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
“Commentary on Mentalization and Culture,” with Michael Perez Sosa, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 2019, 26(4): ArtID: e12302
“A Commentary on Duschinsky’s Interview with Peter Fonagy and Fonagy’s Response,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, July 2019.
“A Concluding Commentary on the Special Issue on the PDM-2: Celebration, and Future Hopes (Plus a Few Anxieties),” Psychoanalytic Psychology, July 2018.
Jurist, E. L. (2014). Whatever happened to the superego? Loewald and the future of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 31(4), 489.
Jurist, E. L. (2010). Mentalizing minds. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 30(4), 289-300.
Jurist, E. L., Slade, A. E., & Bergner, S. E. (2008). Mind to mind: Infant research, neuroscience, and psychoanalysis. Other Press.
Jurist, E. L. (2008). Becoming Agents: Hegel, Nietzsche, and Psychoanalysis. Psychological agency: theory, practice, and culture, 51.
Jurist, E. L., & Meehan, K. B. (2008). “Attachment, Mentalization and Reflective Function” in Clinical Implications in Adult Attachment. Eds. Joe Obego and Eti Berant (Guilford, 2008).
Jurist, E. L. (2005). Mentalized affectivity. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 22(3), 426.
Interviewed by Peter Lin, Tsu Chi Foundation ( April 21, 2023.
Norka Malberg Interviews Elliot Jurist, Psychoanalytic Authors on the Couch Series, September 2019 (
“Psychotherapy, Emotions, Communication and the Search for Truth,” Public Seminar Interview, and selection from Minding Emotions, The New School, 5/13/19 (
“Minding Emotions,” New Books Network Interview, 7/27/18 (
Currently, we are working on a qualitative study to investigate whether and how culture has an impact on mentalization, and, in particular, how cultural values and beliefs influence our understanding of emotions.
A quantitative study investigating the efficacy of wilderness therapy is utilizing a brief version of the Mentalized Affectivity Scale in order to understand changes in mentalized affectivity over the course of treatment.
Jurist, E. (2018). Minding Emotions: Cultivating Mentalization in Psychotherapy. Guilford Publications.
Fonagy, P. ,Gergely, G., Jurist, E. L., & Targe, M. (2004). Affect Regulation, Mentalization, and the Development of the Self . New York: Other Press.